I agree with Andrew Keen
I've been asked a few times about the 'AK' affair and I must say - I totally agree with him beacuse he isn't saying much. All he's saying to those who are listening is, 'Move on'.
If you can avoid it - and believe me, many are stuck and many more will try to bleed the this dead horse - don't get stuck in the Web 2.0 sitcom - it's becoming a formula novel.
Listen, the sun is shining, it's beautiful out here and there's a big world on the other side of the 2.0 fence - now go out and play!
If you can avoid it - and believe me, many are stuck and many more will try to bleed the this dead horse - don't get stuck in the Web 2.0 sitcom - it's becoming a formula novel.
Listen, the sun is shining, it's beautiful out here and there's a big world on the other side of the 2.0 fence - now go out and play!
Tags: Keen, Web 2.0, social media, Web Next, ...
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